Saturday, November 3, 2007

Krump in the park yo!

I remember when I was a kid I would go to concerts and while the band was playing (most likely some metal band) I would head bang.... I would throw my head back and forth, Whip my hair around and just straight up head bang. After a long night of killing brain cells I would rest my little head down on my pillow... The morning would come and I couldn't lift my head up off the pillow... yup whip lash I would spend the whole rest of the week recovering, feeling like my head was on a toothpick. Then saturday would come around again and I would head bang repeating this vicious cycle. I was awesome... All that said I saw this video today and It made me think... If my neck hurt from me throwing it around like that I can only imagine how these people must feel the day after this...


two ocelots said...

those jerks totally cut my part out of that video...

what the eff...

PS- those girls look like they would kill you

Colbruski said...

I dunno put on some Pantara and I might have a chance.