The other day I got a call from my wife, she told me that she hugged a total stranger. My first thought went to her thinking she saw someone she knew and ran up and gave them a hug and it ended up being a stranger. (This once happened to me but I gave a guy a slap on the backside cos I thought it was my friend Shane the guy turned around and it was not my friend and I looked like a total weirdo) This was not the case. Carrie saw a guy on her way to work who was sobbing. She said to the man "I don't want to intrude... but are you ok? The sobbing man said he has had a really bad day. Carrie then wrapped her arms around the man and gave him a hug. This is love... This is Jesus.
I don't write this to brag about my wife (although she is friggen bomb) I share this because I think a lot of times we tend to see the sobbing man on the street, put our head down and walk on. Or sometimes we say to our selves "I should pray for that person" but forget to do that. My point is... take action. Im not saying go hug every person on the street, Use discernment and keep watch for the opportunity to love.
josh! i have a blog now too! but it wont be as holy as yours. anyways.. i like this story, in fact carrie told me, and i cried. good tears though :)
What a beautiful example of what the love of Christ can look like in today's world! Thanks for sharing this!
First thing that came to mind: Dave Matthews Band video for "Everyday."
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