Wednesday, July 23, 2008

what you don't expect

A little story about life.

It was my first day at my new job and I was a bit overwhelmed. And yes, it was only the morning, I hadn't even gotten to work yet. There were higher expectations with this new position, more people to work with, a more highly structured company and longer working hours. I had no idea what to expect to be honest, but if you talked to me at the time, I welcomed the change. As much as I looked forward to the newness, I wasn't prepared. And that is generally the nature of new stuff.

So, there I am, adjusting minute by minute. I got to deal with, for the first of many times, public transportation and all of it's wonders. I get off in downtown San Francisco, which is organized chaos on a weekday. Everyone knew where they were going and what they were doing, except for maybe myself.

Regardless, I head to my building. I stop in the lobby to make sure I'm going to the correct floor, which causes the doorman to notice me. He asks where I'm going and confirms the floor.

Mind you, it's also my new company's first day in San Francisco as well; they had just relocated their office from a different city. I expected to walk in on disorganization for my first day. So, as I'm riding up the elevator, I try to calm my nerves and tell myself it really will be okay. The elevator car pulls up to my floor, stops, the doors swing open and...

...there's a bunny handing out roses. Someone was dressed up as a bunny, welcoming all the employees to the new office.

That day and that situation really go to show that sometimes you get what you don't expect. It's like that saying "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of bunny" or something along those lines. But seriously, sometimes we are blessed enough to have things thrown into our paths that remind us that it's all going to be okay. Single moments have the power to change the course of our mood or our day. For that I am grateful. Now I have that moment to look back on as something great and I have a good story to tell about my first day at work.

Consider what you didn't expect in your own life; share them here in the comments. We all have them; it's just a matter of recognizing them.

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