Hey all I'm sure you know what is going on with the situation in Myanmar. in the picture you see here we are outside an orphanage that has most likely been destroyed by the storm. As you know Our church is very involved with the country. I am writing this because I think it would be a shame if we sat by and did nothing. Crosswinds has already started moving on getting a check cut for $5,000 dollars. What a blessing that is. I do think that we can go above and beyond our giving. (for some of us it maybe a good time to start giving) I feel like if we can each give 100$ we can really make a difference. If you want to make a donation click the link above. I know money is tight right now but I think we can pull this together even if it is a small amount. Sorry if this post is a jumbled mess but time is an issue right now. FYI World vision is one of the few faith based NPO's being let into myanmar right now and thats why we have chosen to use them (plus they are pretty friggen awesome)
Much Love
One last thing if you do donate money for myanmar let us know about it in the response not to be a bragger but maybe to encourage others to give
Got the email - thanks for getting the word out, bruski. It think I was on the WorldVision site for all of 3 minutes before they had my donation - super easy. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, CLICK ON THAT LINK AND PUT WHATEVER YOU CAN IN THE POT!
Carrie and I put ours in the pot! SUPER EASY
I'm in. I know that even my just a few dollars will help to bring relief to those who are so desperately in need of some support and aid during this time of catastrophe!
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