Wednesday, October 3, 2007

God hates Gays?

This was good to hear. Please listen... be open... be changed


Unknown said...

so much truth and love brother! i wept in my heart as i listened to that message...thank you my friend for sharing that. love you.

LanceH said...

My feelings on this subject have never been more accurately stated. I pray that each of us can be brave enough, bold enough, filled with God's love and passion enough to live these words.

It's funny. It seems like the unjust hatred that is thrust upon homosexuals often spills onto those who strive to love them as well. Have you ever been to GLIDE memorial in SF? Each Sunday, GLIDE opens their doors to people of all kinds, people who so desperately need the love of God in their lives. And sadly, upon exiting the church, these people are faced with signs, yells, other people berating them. "God hates fags!" "Whores burn in hell!" "Faggots are maggots!" And at the bottom of those signs can usually be seen the name of "church" or "religious" organization. It's amazing how "God" can be represented so strongly in such separate and different ways, but at the same time.

And do you know what the people do as they leave GLIDE? They sing. As the exit doors open and the congregation spills back out onto the street, they sing. The band on the stage plays a song and the people sing as they leave. Amid the yells, the signs, the accusing fingers, the jeers, the hate, they sing of the love of God with smiles on their faces.

You tell me: Which is the better portrait for the love of God?

Thank you for sharing this, Josh. It's good to know that there are other Christians filled with God's LOVE and not pious and fearful hatred.

Kelly B said...

He frightened me at first but his words are profound. Carrie was right, this is everything I've ever wanted to say. Wow.