Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"The Clothes Don't Make the Man"

This quote sprung up in my mind listening to the message last Sunday about consumerism. Even though our society is so bent on a consumer lifestyle, there is still the recognition that what an individual buys is no measure of their character.

Wikipedia defines the phrase as "An aphorism meaning that you cannot judge a person solely by his appearance."

Have you ever heard that saying? It's usually followed by a "but the [insert thought-provoking attribute here] does."

It's true though, just as much for a CEO as it is for you and me.

I'm not going to get into the discussion of the satisfaction of money or buying things because that's for you to decide for yourself, how to be a steward of your money. You're the only one who can examine if the way you're living your life is fulfilling to you. I can't decide that for you; I can only wrestle with the question for my own life.

But I ask you to consider the truth of the statement "the clothes don't make the man." It applies to how we consume things, what it important in life, maybe even why we consume so much.

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