Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Christians are wierd


LanceH said...

You know, I think we were planning on doing that one next Sunday. We were hoping to put you in there as the voice for Lil' Markie.

You in?

Colbruski said...

Honestly... I have been working on that voice for quite some time now... I'm no good
Maybe Erin can sing it??

dgrassi said...

I'm sure the Sunday bulletin read something like this...

"This morning, ________ Church welcomes Mark Fox and Lil' Markie as they minister in song. Mark and Markie will be available in the Fellowship Hall following the service. Please thank them for providing the "special music."

Colbruski said...

Yeah very "special" music

two ocelots said...

is that you?

Colbruski said...

I am going to remake this song and its going to be sick!!

Bill Watts said...

You know, Kyle and I can just setup the reverb to make your voice sound like that. That way you could just sing normally, and you would be all set.